
just wondering

And now back to regular programming….

Hi everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’ve been away from the blogging world this holiday season , you know just to mingle with my “offline” friends and family, and eat lots and now I feel so bouncy because of holiday weight…

Last year has been a great great great year for me. Basically I got almost everything I asked for. I dunno but I do think I “The Secret”ized my wishes…

…or maybe God loved me that much???

But in retrospect I did work my butt off, as I look back at the last twelve months of my life I see one common thread. Everything that worked in my life worked because I took my eyes off negativity and looked at bright side ALWAYS! Always that made me annoyingly positive imp to my friend’s eyes who are into pity party and stuff… But even then I have to admit I still feel I missed something last year.

I think I ran too fast…

You know how it is like, everyday I had been preoccupied with work stuff I, I mean I was coming and going here and there. Minding my own business a LOT .

People do that a lot, minding each own’s business…

striving for number one… targeting the bullseye…

…….. but forgetting about everyone else.

I often find myself marvel about the people who I’m close with, the family I live with, people from work, people who I call friends but I don’t really know now what goin on with them I mean it’s odd… we’re family….


One thing I find magical about Jesus’s life in the bible is that even though he was also preoccupied with stuff (it’s a huge thing being son of God!), he was going here and there and everywhere but when he sees someone who’s in need he stopped…

When he heard someone calls for help he looks back and help…

He gave his time….

He understood it (to the bones) that other people mattered. We always knew that but we just often forget. I forgot that last year… I forgot to stop…

Every time Jesus stopped great things happen, miracles of healing, dead people rising, demons dying….

And who’s to say that the time we’ll spend with people weren’t meant to be miraculous?

I think giving time already is…

So now for this year I’ll take more time to stop and take a break from running.

aside: no i'm not religious, i don't even follow a specific religion but i like the jesus story, hmm i'd rather call myself


  1. happy new year alex

    yeah we have to stop and smell the flowers sometimes

  2. Happy New Year Alex! :D

    BTW, I changed my blog url - it's now at www.dancing-teacosy.blogspot.com. Hope you can update your links! :)

  3. welcome back =D you'll have all your time this 2009! it shall be great when you choose it to be hehe

    have a great year and a great time with all the people you have around you

  4. Happy New Year to you alex :)

  5. @ je chan: sure i'll update my listing ^^

    @ sendz: agree agree!

    @ joanjoyce: likewise!

  6. @alex: at nabuhay ka alex! hehehe. merry xmas & a happy new year darling! (though it's already late)

  7. Happy New Year Alex !!!
    finding time for friends and family... :)
    sounds like a great resolution for 2009...

  8. im surprised u are aware of this haha

  9. haha oo naman

    i'm cold but i think naman


write on my notebook!