
Home of the Homeless in Japan Uses Solar Panel

In 2004, Kyohei Sakaguchi published "Zero Yen House" - a book of homeless housing in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. The publication provides a look on the different constructions and materials used by homeless people in Japan. It shows the efficiency and resourcefulness and of course it shows the homeless in there are much better than the homeless peeps in other countries!

In 2000, architect Kyohei Sakaguchi came across this homeless camp along a riverside in Tokyo. The homeless man who was living in it used to work for a camera company and knew his electronics, so he outfitted his house with a solar panel that let him watch TV and listen to the radio. Zero Yen House for you!

The Interior is made from wood. The roof is made from the cardboard. He covered it with a big blue vinyl sheet. He stocks under the floor. This house isn’t connected with the road. He just put it on the road. He said to me that this could float on the water once. This house is also a ship!!!

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